Program overview
The Program is organized into a single training curriculum but is characterized by the significant interdisciplinary nature of its approach. It integrates basic training in neuroscience and experimental psychology with studying mental activities and cognitive functions in the psychophysiological, neurobiological, neuropsychological, psycholinguistic, computational, social, philosophical, logical, ethical and educational fields.
Furthermore, in line with the multidisciplinary nature of the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, the Ph.D. Program promotes the study of the psychophysiological correlates of cognitive functions and human behavior with particular attention to questions of a transversal, translational and clinical nature. Recently, in the context of a dialogue with the economic, social, engineering and humanities sciences, the introduction of neuroscientific methodologies and themes has led to a greater valorization of the experimental approach and an innovative characterization of the neurobiological correlates of human behavior, integrated with social, computational and data analytics aspects. The didactic and experimental organization of the Ph.D. program has been built and revised over the years precisely to adopt this multidisciplinary approach, aiming to offer a broad educational overview, fundamental in the field of modern neuroscience both for pursuing an academic and experimental research career, and for open up to new labor markets that increasingly require transversal figures.
The central teaching and research topics within the Program concern perception through the sense organs, cognitive functions, the study of emotions and social interactions, the sleep-wake cycle, language and conceptual representation. On this basis, the Program opens up to advanced methods of processing electrophysiological and neuroimaging data, the study of the psychophysiological correlates of decision-making processes in the economic and social fields, the application of neurosciences in forensic and juridical areas, the study of the cognitive aspects of the visual arts, to the translational applications of neuroscience in the bioengineering and neurorehabilitation fields. In this way, the Program intends to address current problems and challenges of great social and strategic importance and solid relevance in a long-term perspective.
To this end, the Program promotes a strong integration of concepts, analytical techniques and methodological skills from other disciplinary sectors to provide students with complete mastery of the most advanced analytical tools, aiming to train the new generation of researchers who face the complexity of mental functions and human behavior with specific skills of analysis and interpretation combined with complementary and integrated tools.
In the first year, students will attend multiple courses. After completing the required courses in the curriculum, students engage in their research under the guidance of the faculty members from one of the research groups.
All students are encouraged to spend part of their studies abroad, both within the Erasmus+ framework and through ad hoc mobility agreements.
Teaching is mostly carried out by members of the MOMILAB research unit, with significant 'contaminations' from members of AXES, NETWORKS, SYSMA and LYNX.
The planned courses for the year 2024/2025 will be organized in seven modules:
Reasoning and Inference
Research Topics
Behavioral Data Analysis
Statistics and Programming
A detailed list of the courses is available here.
Research Infrastructures
The students will have access to the Open Lab (equipped for EEG, psychophysics and psychophysiology recording), to the research infrastructures of the joint laboratory with the Neuroscience Lab (the conjoint research lab with Innovation Center Intesa Sanpaolo) and to the OpenLab of the "Economic Resilience" Project and Digital” (RED) of the Department of Excellence present at the School, at the CRONONC-Lab Laboratory (integrated CRONObiology and NeuroCardiology) for research on sleep, wakefulness and their reciprocal interactions (equipped for polysomnographic measurements at the 'Gabriele Monasterio' Tuscan Foundation of Pisa) and to external MRI structures (1.5T, 3T and 7T scanners available in Pisa and Massa at the 'Gabriele Monasterio' Tuscany Foundation and the IRCCS Stella Maris Pisa Foundation).
Ph.D. students will also have the opportunity to be involved in collaborative research programs with national and international institutions, including - among others - University of Pisa, Fondazione Toscana ‘Gabriele Monasterio’ in Pisa, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, University of Siena, University of Pavia, Department of Philosophy at the University of Milan, Department of Psychology of the University of Turin, University of Padua, the CIMeC – Center for Mind/Brain Sciences University of Trento, University of Virginia, Center for Consciousness and Sleep at the University of Wisconsin, Institute of Psychology & Institute of Neuroscience - University of Louvain, Massachusetts Eye & Ear of the Harvard Medical School.
Profile proposals
Descriptions of current profiles/examples of proposals that could be of interest (but not limited) to the CCSN program:
Social and affective neuroscience: behavioral and brain correlates of emotion, theory of mind and empathy
Abstract: Social cognition represents the cornerstone of successful human interactions: any social contact requires one's ability to observe people's behavior, infer their cognitive or affective state and predict their actions. Despite decades of psychological research, the mechanisms underlying such complex mental faculties are still far to be fully understood. Recently, data-driven approaches and computational models provided novel insights in this regard: cognitive and affective social abilities are now studied through the recording of real-time subjective reports and accurate monitoring of peripheral activity (e.g., skin conductance, pupil size). Also, neuroimaging techniques are used in combination with naturalistic stimulation (e.g., movies, narratives) to assess how the brain represents the nature and content of social interactions in situations akin to real life. Research activities conducted in the Social and Affective Neuroscience (SANe) Group combine the collection of behavioral data (both deep phenotyping and crowd-sourcing approaches) with natural language processing, psychophysics, graph analysis and neuroimaging methods to build reliable descriptions of human social and affective abilities. Current projects include:
Ontology of affect: the aim of this project is to determine which terms (e.g., joy, elation, dread) people use to describe their subjective experience and which properties (e.g., valence, unpredictability, social relevance) are unique to each of these terms. Suggested reading: Jackson, J.C., et al. "Emotion semantics show both cultural variation and universal structure." Science 366.6472 (2019): 1517-1522.
Kinematics of genuine facial expressions: the aim of this project is to establish a novel data-driven method to quantify facial expressions and track their trajectory as function of the unfolding of emotional experiences. Suggested reading: Jack, R.E., et al. "Four not six: Revealing culturally common facial expressions of emotion." JEP: General 145.6 (2016): 708.
Temporal characteristics of affective forecasting: the project aims at understanding how far in the future one can predict others' emotions and which affective dimensions inform mental models of transitions. Suggested reading: Thornton, M.A. and Tamir, D.A. "Mental models accurately predict emotion transitions." PNAS 114.23 (2017): 5982-5987.
Key words: social cognition, emotion, affect, theory of mind, empathy, MRI, fMRI
Lettieri, G., et al. "Emotionotopy in the human right temporo-parietal cortex." Nature communications (2019).
Lettieri, G., et al. “Default and control network connectivity dynamics track the stream of affect at multiple timescales.” Social cognitive and affective neuroscience (2021).
Gentili, C., et al. "ROI and phobias: The effect of ROI approach on an ALE meta‐analysis of specific phobias." Human brain mapping (2019).
Reference person: Luca Cecchetti, SANe - MoMiLab
Interacting with the external world: from sensory-based percept to sensory-independent representations
Abstract: How do we see, interpret, make sense and represent the external world? Perception and mental processing are fundamental to understanding how knowledge is cognitively and neurally represented and organized. Furthermore, to what extent do low-level sensory-based information and high-level abstract features contribute to the organization of conceptual knowledge? The study of (the lack of) sensory experience provided our group with a unique tool to understand to what extent a specific modality is truly a mandatory prerequisite for the brain's morphological and functional architecture to develop and function.
This topic has always been of major interest at MoMiLab. Research activities exploit advanced tools in cognitive neuroscience to characterize the neural correlates of perception and content-specific mental representations, semantic processing and knowledge organization, and action representation. Current projects are relative to:
Topographic mapping of multisensory processing and representation exploiting resting state or long-lasting naturalistic stimulation fMRI protocols
Supramodal processing in sensory-deprived individuals
Behavioral and functional effects of heteromodal remapping
Knowledge organization and semantic processing
Abstractness and Abstraction: from sensory-based processing to conceptual representation
Methods of investigation: behavioral, f/MRI, EEG and psychophysics
Keywords: mental representation, knowledge organization, supramodality, sensory processing
Setti, F., Handjaras, G., Bottari, D., Leo, A., Diano, M., Bruno, V., ... & Ricciardi, E. “A modality independent proto-organization of human multisensory areas.” Nat Hum Behav (2023).
Ricciardi, E., Bottari, D., Ptito, M., Röder, B., & Pietrini, P. “The sensory-deprived brain as a unique tool to understand brain development and function.” Neurosci Biobehav Rev (2019)
Ricciardi E. Pietrini P. “New light from the dark: what blindness can teach us about brain function.” Current Opinion in Neurology (2011)
Ricciardi E, Papale P, Cecchetti L, Pietrini P. “Does (lack of) sight matter for V1? New light from the study of the blind brain.” Neurosci Biobehav Rev. (2020)
Reference people: Emiliano Ricciardi, Davide Bottari, Giacomo Handjaras, Pietro Pietrini - SEED/SEMper- MoMiLab
Sensory experience dependence and plasticity
Abstract: Much of what we observe in the adult brain reflects how neural circuitries have been sculpted by experience along the life cycle. A powerful way to investigate the impact of experience on the functional and structural organization of the brain is provided by sensory deprivation models. By perturbing the availability of sensory input, for instance adopting (1) permanent sensory deprivation (e.g., deafness or blindness), (2) sensory re-afferentation after a period of deprivation (vision: individuals treated for congenital bilateral cataracts; audition: cochlear implanted individuals) or (3) short-lasting deprivation in the adult (e.g., blindfolding), as models of investigation, we can understand the degree of plasticity of sensory systems and of their interactions. Developmental and multisensory perspectives are adopted.
Related topics:
Degree of plasticity and functional recovery in case of temporary sensory deprivation and restoration
Impact of visual deprivation on auditory development
Impact of auditory deprivation on visual development
Neural entrainment to sensory signals in Cochlear implanted individuals (PRIN 2017, PI Bottari)
Functional organization underpinning cross-modal responses in typical development
Methods of investigation include: EEG, Computational Neuroscience, fMRI and psychophysics
Keywords: experience dependence, sensory deprivation and restoration, neural plasticity, development, sensory interplay
Berto, M., Ricciardi, E., Pietrini, P., & Bottari, D. (2020). Interactions between auditory statistics processing and visual experience emerge only in late development, biorXiv,
Bottari, D., Bednaya, E., Dormal, G., Villwock, A., Dzhelyova, M., Grin, K., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E., Rossion, B., & Röder B. (2020) EEG frequency-tagging demonstrates increased left hemispheric involvement and crossmodal plasticity for face processing in congenitally deaf signers NeuroImage 223, 117315
Martinelli, A., Handjaras, G., Betta, M., Leo, A., Cecchetti, L., Pietrini, P., Ricciardi, E., & Bottari, D. (2020) bioRxiv,
Bottari D. Kekunnaya R. Hense M. Troje N. Sourav S. & Röder B. (2018) Motion processing after sight restoration: No competition between visual recovery and auditory compensation. NeuroImage 167, 284-296, 2018
Reference people: Davide Bottari, Emiliano Ricciardi, Pietro Pietrini, SEED/ SEMper - MoMiLab
Sleep, plasticity and conscious experience
Abstract: Sleep and wakefulness have traditionally been considered two global, mutually exclusive states. However, this view has been challenged by the discovery that sleep and wakefulness are locally regulated and that islands of these two states may often coexist in the brain. Importantly, the local regulation of sleep seems to be key for many of the known functions of this physiological state, including the maintenance of brain functional efficiency, the consolidation or stabilization of new memories, and the modulation of mood and emotional reactivity. Local changes in brain activity during sleep may also explain the emergence of conscious experiences (dreams) and may modulate the level of sensory disconnection essential for restorative sleep. On the other hand, during wakefulness, the reiterated activation of specific brain areas leads to a state of ‘functional fatigue,’ characterized by the occurrence of local, sleep-like episodes. These events may have significant consequences for behavior and cognition and may contribute to explaining the known effects of sleep deprivation. Given these premises, alterations in the local regulation of sleep and wakefulness may represent the pathophysiological substrate of symptoms observed in many sleep disorders and some psychiatric and neurologic disorders.
Topics of interest related to this research field include:
mechanisms and functions of (local) sleep regulation in humans;
the role of sleep and dreams in memory consolidation and emotional regulation;
influencing dreams through sensory stimulation protocols (dream engineering);
local sleep during wakefulness and its implications for behavior and cognition;
the effects of sleep deprivation/restriction on brain structure and function;
alterations of sleep and dreams in pathological conditions.
Projects may involve one or more of the following investigation techniques: psychometric questionnaires, behavioral testing, recording of autonomic activity, high-density EEG recordings, functional/structural MRI. Additional research opportunities (e.g., for the study of patients with neurologic, psychiatric or sleep disorders) and methodologies (e.g., combined EEG-fMRI, intracranial EEG recordings) may become available through established national and international collaborations.
Keywords: sleep, consciousness, dream, learning, memory, emotion.
Avvenuti G, Bertelloni D, Lettieri G, Ricciardi E, Cecchetti L, Pietrini P, Bernardi G. Emotion Regulation Failures Are Preceded by Local Increases in Sleep-like Activity. J Cogn Neurosci. 2021;33(11):2342-2356.
Avvenuti G, Handjaras G, Betta M, … Bellesi M, Bernardi G. Integrity of corpus callosum is essential for the cross-hemispheric propagation of sleep slow waves: a high-density EEG study in split-brain patients. J Neurosci. 2020 Jul 15;40(29):5589-5603, 2020
Siclari F, Baird B, Perogamvros L, Bernardi G, LaRocque JJ, Riedner B, Boly M, Postle BR, Tononi G. The neural correlates of dreaming. Nat Neurosci 2017;20: 872–878.
Reference people: Giulio Bernardi, SPACE - MoMiLab
Experience-dependent variations in sleep-related conscious experiences
Abstract: The study of dreams represents a crucial intersection between philosophical, psychological, neuroscientific, and clinical interests. Indeed, dreams draw on previously acquired memories and beliefs, and thus typically present relevant aspects of continuity with thoughts, concerns, and salient experiences of our waking self In light of this, dreams are thought to represent an important window on—and to potentially have a direct role in—sleep-dependent processes involving learning and memory consolidation. Moreover, they have a tight relationship with psychophysical health. The present line of research aims at exploring the relationship between experience-dependent plasticity and nocturnal dreaming. The projects involve data collection in particular populations, including congenitally blind individuals, psychiatric patients, or inmates. Specifically, the projects involve the following activities: i) recruiting and screening of volunteers by administering and processing standardized questionnaires; ii) collecting, processing, and analysing oral reports describing subjective experiences that occurred during wakefulness and/or sleep; iii) contributing to the extraction of quantitative variables from collected data by means of manual and automated linguistic methods. A background in linguistics, psychology, psychiatry, or related disciplines is preferred. High proficiency (C2) with the Italian language is required as all the collected and analyzed data will be in this language. Good information technology skills and programming skills represent a plus.
Keywords: sleep, dream, linguistics, experience-dependent plasticity, large language models.
Elce V, Handjaras G, Bernardi G. The Language of Dreams: Application of Linguistics-Based Approaches for the Automated Analysis of Dream Experiences. Clocks & Sleep. 2021;3:495-514.
Elce V, Bergamo D, Bontempi G, Pedreschi B, Bellesi M, Handjaras G, Bernardi G. The individual determinants of morning dream recall. BioRxiv 2024.
Reference people: Pietro Pietrini and Giulio Bernardi
Affective physiology and Interoception
Abstract: Emotions and affective reactions are not purely psychological phenomena but are also embodied experiences, accompanied by physiological changes throughout the body. These responses, such as changes in heart rate, skin conductance and temperature, provide valuable clues about the emotional states of individuals and can significantly influence our subjective experiences and behavioral responses. The mechanisms underlying these complex interactions between the mind and body in shaping affective experiences are still to be elucidated. Studying the autonomous nervous system activity, physiological signals and interoception is essential for unraveling these complexities and gaining deeper insights into the nature of affective life. Research activities conducted in the Affective Physiology and Interoception (API) Group integrate behavioral data collection with psychophysiological measures to push the boundaries of knowledge in this field.
Topics of interest related to this research field include:
How individuals perceive and interpret internal bodily signals, such as heartbeat, and their influence on emotional processing and regulation.
Which are the physiological correlates of emotions and their integration with subjective emotional experiences.
How emotional states are related to motor behavior, including facial expressions, postural changes, and gesture patterns, and their implications for emotional expression and communication.
How emotions are represented in the body, including somatic sensations and visceral responses, and their role in shaping behavior.
Keywords: interoception, bodily representation, psychophysiology, affect
Lettieri, G., Handjaras, G., Cappello, E. M., Setti, F., Bottari, D., Bruno, V., ... & Cecchetti, L. (2024). Dissecting abstract, modality-specific and experience-dependent coding of affect in the human brain. Science Advances, 10(10), eadk6840.
Lettieri, G., Handjaras, G., Ricciardi, E., Leo, A., Papale, P., Betta, M., ... & Cecchetti, L. (2019). Emotionotopy in the human right temporo-parietal cortex. Nature communications, 10(1), 5568.
Critchley, H. D., & Garfinkel, S. N. (2017). Interoception and emotion. Current opinion in psychology, 17, 7-14.
Nummenmaa, L., Glerean, E., Hari, R., & Hietanen, J. K. (2014). Bodily maps of emotions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(2), 646-651.
Reference people: Giada Lettieri, API - MoMiLab
Models, Inference, and Decisions
Abstract: Recent research in cognitive and behavioral sciences is increasingly illuminating the basic mechanisms of human reasoning and cognition, as well as their limitations and systematic deviations from normative theories of rational inference and decision-making. It also raises interesting questions concerning the foundations and methods of different scientific disciplines, and the analysis of scientific reasoning in general.
This research line puts together theoretical and formal models of inference and decision-making with empirical approaches to the study of human reasoning and cognition. The aim is twofold: to better understand, and possibly improve, how people reason and make choices in different contexts, both in ordinary life and in science; and to clarify and strengthen the methodology and foundations of cognitive, behavioral, and social sciences.
Topics of interest for research proposals include:
Formal epistemology and philosophy of science: Bayesian confirmation theory, truthlikeness theory, cognitive decision theory.
Philosophy of cognitive, behavioral, and social sciences, including neuroscience, (behavioral) economics, medicine, forensic science, statistics, machine learning, history, textual criticism, etc.
Philosophical issues in the foundations, epistemology, and the methodology of science: e.g., reverse inference, abduction, analogy, simplicity, replicability, explainability, etc.
Normative and descriptive models of reasoning, rational inference and decision-making: heuristics and biases, ecological rationality, nudge theory.
Analysis of expert judgment and reasoning, especially clinical and legal reasoning.
Inferences and fallacies in moral and social dilemmas.
Neural bases of different kinds of reasoning (deductive, inductive, abductive, etc.).
Behavioral and cognitive interventions targeting heuristics and cognitive biases on social media: hampering the spread of fake news, overconfidence, hateful commenting, and other toxic behaviors while promoting thoughtful interactions and charitable interpretation.
The role of expertise and trustworthiness in message communication and behavior change in health campaigns: what messages promote healthy choices while also empowering citizens?
Keywords: rationality, reasoning, decision-making; philosophy of science, logic, epistemology, critical thinking, scientific method
Calzavarini, F. & Cevolani, G. (2022). Abductive reasoning in cognitive neuroscience: weak and strong reverse inference. Synthese 200 (2):1-26.
Cevolani, G.; Festa, R., Approaching deterministic and probabilistic truth: a unified account, Synthese, 2021
Panizza, F., P. Ronzani, C. Martini, S. Mattavelli, T. Morisseau & M. Motterlini, Lateral reading and monetary incentives to spot disinformation about science, Scientific Reports, 2022.
Reference people: Gustavo Cevolani and Folco Panizza, MInD‒ MoMiLab
Other involved research units: AXES (Ennio Bilancini, Giorgio Gnecco), LYNX (Amos Bertolacci, Silvia Di Vincenzo)
Neuroimaging and computational neuroscience in autism
Applicants must have a Laurea Magistrale (or equivalent Master’s Degree) in Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Medicine, or related disciplines. Applicants must be interested in learning advanced statistical methods for brain image analysis and signal processing. Good knowledge of MATLAB, Python, or R is expected but not essential.
Neuroimaging investigations with resting-state fMRI connectivity mapping have consistently shown patterns of atypical interareal communication in autism. Importantly, those patterns have been found to be highly variable across individuals with the condition. These observations have spurred the question of whether functional connectivity can be used as a meaningful dimension to measure inter-individual variability in autism. However, the absence of tasks has prevented an unambiguous interpretation of atypical functional connectivity in autism measured in resting state. In this project, we will combine advanced image processing methods and a novel research paradigm known as naturalistic stimulation to unravel the intricate neuroconnectional architecture of autism. The analysis of BOLD signals evoked by multisensory and feature-rich stimuli will allow for the examination of brain connectivity in autism with unprecedented sensory/cognitive relevance. Our investigational framework will shed light on the unique and shared neuroconnectional variations across typical and atypical developing populations.
Prospective applicants are invited to contact Marco Pagani ( for informal inquiries on the position and selection process.
Understanding the Social Brain: implications for Forensic Psychiatry and the Law
Abstract: Understanding human behavior has been a matter of speculation since the ancient Greek philosophers. The recent discoveries acquired by behavioral genetics, brain imaging and cognitive neuroscience have provided a novel and exciting ground for the investigation of the neurobiological correlates of social behavior and its deviance, with implications that fall well beyond neuroscience and reach out to ethics, philosophy, psychiatry and even to the law.
Over the last twenty-five years, scientists at MoMILab have focused on the investigation of the genetics, biological, cognitive and brain correlates of human behavior by studying the distinct components of social and antisocial acting.
How does the brain modulate aggressive and impulsive behavior? Do genes affect our moral choices? Why do we forgive others? How do nature and nurture relate in shaping the individual personality and in favoring pro-social vs anti-social behavior? To what extent are criminals Bad or Mad? How do laypeople and experts reason about morality and assess right and wrong behavior? These are among the main questions that we pursue by combining state-of-the-art molecular biology techniques with experimental psychology, theoretical philosophy and brain structural and functional brain imaging methodologies.
The ultimate aim of this research is to achieve a neurobiologically based definition of imputability, that is, to provide an objective measurement of the ability to intend and to will, which are the fundamental pillars required by the Law (Penal Codes) for one to be considered responsible for their own actions. Within the forensic psychiatric settings, often expert evaluations are still highly subjective and speculative and thus they fail to provide the Court with conclusive reports that can be evaluated on objective data. Moreover, forensic experts and other professionals involved in the trial (including judges, jurors, and attorneys) can fall prey to cognitive biases, so developing sound heuristics and debiasing strategies is crucial to improve legal reasoning and decision making. We intend to integrate methods from neuroscience and cognitive science with theoretical models from normative theories of rationality to contribute to radically change forensic evaluations.
Candidates accepted to the Ph.D. program will have an opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary environment including neuroscientists, psychiatrists, philosophers, molecular biologists, psychologists, economists and law experts. Candidates also will have the opportunity to conduct first-hand examinations of criminal defendants, collaborate in the writing of expert reports and participate in expert discussions in Court (excellent knowledge of Italian language is required except for the international cases). Depending on the individual background and interest, candidates will work on behavioral molecular genetics research projects or in experimental cognitive/brain imaging studies or on imputability conceptual projects. Candidates will have the opportunity of spending time in collaborating labs, including the Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Lab at the University of Pisa (Prof. Silvia Pellegrini), the Psychology Department at the University of Padua (Proff. Giuseppe Sartori and Cristina Scarpazza) the Dept. of Psychology at the University of New Mexico, USA (Prof. Kent Kiehl).
Key words: forensic neuroscience, human behavior, (anti)sociality, imputability, law
Zampieri. I., Pellegrini, S., Pietrini, P. Neurobiological Correlates of Antisocial Human Behavior. Neuroscience and Law (book chapter), 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-38840-9_21
Scarpazza, C., Pellegrini, S., Pietrini, P., Sartori, G. The Role of Neuroscience in the Evaluation of Mental Insanity: on the Controversies in Italy. Neuroethics, 2017. DOI:
Scarpazza C, Miolla A, Zampieri I, Melis G, Sartori G, Ferracuti S, Pietrini P. Translational Application of a Neuro-Scientific Multi-Modal Approach Into Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation: Why and How? Front Psychiatry. 2021 Feb 5;12:597918. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.597918. PMID: 33613339; PMCID: PMC7892615.
Scarpazza C, Pellegrini S, Pietrini P, Sartori G. The Role of Neuroscience in the Evaluation of Mental Insanity: on the Controversies in Italy: Comment on “on the Stand. Another Episode of Neuroscience and Law Discussion from Italy". Neuroethics, Vol 11, Issue 1, 1 April 2018, Pages 83-95
Pellegrini S, Palumbo S, Iofrida C, Melissari E, Rota G, Mariotti V, Anastasio T, Manfrinati A, Rumiati R, Lotto L, Sarlo M, Pietrini P. Genetically-Driven Enhancement of Dopaminergic Transmission Affects Moral Acceptability in Females but Not in Males: A Pilot Study. Front Behav Neurosci. 2017 Aug 29;11:156. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00156. eCollection 2017
Ricciardi E, Rota G, Sani L, Gentili C, Gaglianese A, Guazzelli M, Pietrini P. How the brain heals emotional wounds: the functional neuroanatomy of forgiveness. Front Hum Neurosci. 2013 Dec 9;7:839. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00839. eCollection 2013
Pietrini, P., Guazzelli, M., Basso, G., Jaffe, K., Graffman, J. Neural Correlates of Imaginal Aggressive Behavior assessed by Positron Emission Tomography in Healthy Subjects. Am J Psychiatry, 2000. DOI:
Reference persons: Pietro Pietrini and Gustavo Cevolani - MoMiLab
Computational modeling of the fine-grained functional architecture of the brain: Individual differences across the lifespan
Abstract: Information processing is represented in population responses that can be studied as distributed, fine-grained patterns of activity that can be measured with fMRI. Changes in the representational geometry of these population responses along processing pathways provide a window for studying how information is transformed by processing. Fine-grained patterns of activity and connectivity, however, are idiosyncratic. We have developed a computational model, hyperalignment, that affords the study of individual differences in the information that is embedded in these idiosyncratic topographies. In this project, we will use fMRI with naturalistic stimulation to study how fine-grained functional brain architecture changes with aging and, in particular, how these changes are related to cognitive function and cognitive inefficiency associated with minimal cognitive impairment, which can be a precursor for dementia. Sensitive detection of biomarkers for early cognitive decline could have important implications for early intervention in progressive neurodegenerative disease. The research activity will include fMRI with naturalistic stimuli and computational cognitive neuroscience, as well as analyses of large public data sets.
Keywords: fMRI, multivariate pattern analysis, hyperalignment, aging, mild cognitive impairment
Haxby JV, Gobbini MI, Furey ML, Ishai A, Schouten JL, Pietrini P. Distributed and overlapping representations of faces and objects in ventral temporal cortex. Science, 2001, 293, 2425-2430.
Haxby JV, Guntupalli JS, Connolly AC, Halchenko YO, Conroy BR, Gobbini MI, Hanke M, Ramadge PJ. A common, high-dimensional model of the representational space in human ventral temporal cortex. Neuron, 2011, 72, 404-416.
Haxby JV, Connolly AC, Guntupalli JS. Decoding neural representational spaces using multivariate pattern analysis. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 2014, 37, 435-456.
Haxby JV, Guntupalli JS, Nastase SA, Feilong M. Hyperalignment: Modeling shared information encoded in idiosyncratic cortical topographies. eLife, 2020, 9, e56601. doi:
Feilong M, Guntupalli JS, Haxby JV. The neural basis of intelligence in fine-grained cortical topographies. eLife, 2021, 10, e64058. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.64058
Feilong M, Nastase SA, Jiahui G, Halchenko YO, Gobbini MI, Haxby JV. The Individualized Neural Tuning Model: Precise and generalizable cartography of functional architecture in individual brains. bioRxiv, 2022.
Reference people: James Haxby (Dartmouth University), Maria Ida Gobbini (University of Bologna)
Combined EEG-fMRI data analysis for the study of cortico-subcortical interactions during wakefulness and sleep
Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) measures spontaneous brain electrical activity propagating to the scalp and allows us to study neural events with a time resolution in the order of milliseconds. EEG is widely used in neuroscience and represents the most common tool in basic and clinical sleep research. Indeed, the transition between different vigilance states has been traditionally defined on the basis of EEG spectral rhythms and specific EEG waveforms (i.e., slow waves, spindles, saw-tooth waves, etc.…). Unfortunately, due to volume conduction, EEG offers a poor spatial resolution and does not allow us to accurately describe changes in the activity of subcortical and deep cortical structures. While approaches based on spatial filtering and source-localization may lead to improved spatial resolution, investigating how cortical and subcortical structures interact and contribute to the establishment of physiological sleep rhythms is practically unfeasible with scalp EEG alone.The simultaneous recording of EEG and fMRI data allows us to combine the high spatial resolution of fMRI with the excellent temporal resolution of EEG. However, the adoption of such a combined approach poses several technical and methodological issues. First, the experimental setting needs to be opportunely designed considering that prolonged scanning sessions impair fMRI data quality while acoustic noise and subject discomfort strongly reduce the probability of achieving continuous and/or deep sleep. Moreover, the fMRI environment alters the EEG signals by introducing several important artifacts. The implementation of specific pre-processing strategies is thus fundamental for the effective use of combined EEG-fMRI. Finally, an interpretable integration of electric and hemodynamic signals, arising from different origins and lying in completely different temporal and spatial scales, requires important methodological care and consideration. Yet, overcoming the above limitations through the improvement of existing tools and/or the development of new methodological approaches will offer novel opportunities for the study of sleep physiology and its alteration in pathological conditions.
Keywords: EEG, fMRI, peripheral biosignals, method development, sleep.
Betta M, Handjaras G, Leo A, … Bernardi (2021). Cortical and subcortical hemodynamic changes during sleep slow waves in human light sleep. NeuroImage, 236, 118117.
Bergamo D., Handjaras G, … Bernardi G, Betta M. Maturation-dependent changes in cortical and thalamic activity during slow waves of light sleep: insights from a combined EEG-fMRI study. Under review.
Reference people: Monica Betta, Giacomo Handjaras, MABA – MoMiLab, Giulio Bernardi SPACE-Momilab